AI ML Services – Our Current Understanding of The Latest Technology 

The Internet is changing, and with the latest inventions, these changes will only proliferate in the coming years. And AI and ML will play a significant role in how Internet, businesses, and innovations take place in the future. Hence, several companies have already started investing in AI ML services. 

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What is Artificial Intelligence?  

Artificial Intelligence refers to the science of getting machines to simulate human intelligence, especially in computer systems. Currently, only XX% of people think that they use AI, but the fact is that YY% of people use the technology. Some common uses of Ai include natural language processing, machine vision, speech recognition, and expert systems.  

The difference in opinion and statistics comes from the fact that several people do not know the applications of AI. Hence, they do not understand that even when using the Google voice search option, they are still technically using AI.  

The ultimate goal of AI is to provide computers with general intelligence. It includes the ability to solve arbitrary problems.  

For the more ambitious bunch, the aim can be to create a machine that can think everything a human can and much more. There have been instances of computers creating their languages or false yet convincing example of computer natural language processing showing sentient behavior.  

Types of AI  

AI has several different types that will be discussed here.  

  • Narrow AI  

Narrow AI includes intelligent systems that are either taught or learned to perform specific tasks without explicitly being programmed for it. Some examples of narrow AI include Siri virtual assistant, vision-recognition systems in self-driving cars, recommendation engines that create suggestions as per your past likings, etc.  However, these systems are limited as they can only work on a defined task. Hence, they are called narrow AI,  

  • General AI  

General AI constitutes of adaptable intellect that we usually associate with humans. It can learn to perform several vastly different tasks, like how to perform a haircut or how to build a spreadsheet, with the help of accumulated information.  You have seen this AI more in movies like HAL or The Terminatory. 

What is Machine Learning?  

Machine learning is essentially a part of Artificial Intelligence. Human brains can learn from experience. For example, once a child understands the fire is hot and going near it pains, through experience or verbal queues, they will not go near the fire again.  

It is also the basic concept behind machine learning. In machine learning solutions, the experts provide computers with algorithms and statistical models to help them analyze and draw conclusions from data without any explicit instruction.  

As machine learning relies on algorithms to work, its first use was to play checkers, a board game. Firstly, it helped people play alone on their computer with the algorithm being their opponent. But in some time, it could also beat experts in the game.  

Today, Chess players use some of the most powerful Machine learning engines to prepare for international matches.  

But that is not the limit of machine learning. Several businesses are already using machine learning to accelerate inventions, manufacturing, delivery, and other aspects of companies. 

The General AI model is not a reality today; scientists are still debating when it will become a reality. There are also debates about whether humans should try to play God and create something sentient. 

Types of Machine Learning  

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There are three types of ML that we will discuss here.  

  • Supervised Learning  

In this type of learning, we feed computers with cause-and-effect relationship data.  

For example, we feed computers information about borrowers who defaulted on their loans and those who did not. The ML will look at the data and find similar patterns to check potential defaulters in the future.  

These AI ML services are used to predict real estate prices or disease risk factors.  

  • Unsupervised Learning  

For less apparent patterns finding, experts use unsupervised learning methods. Here, only bare minimum data is added to the machine, and it makes predictions and clusters the data accordingly.  

For example, here, the experts will only input data about the borrowers and not segregate based on defaulters and non-defaulters. Then, the machine will look at patterns to separate data into clusters of potential defaulters and those less likely to default.  

This ML type is used to create customer groups as per past purchase behavior.  

  • Reinforced Learning  

Reinforcement learning includes an algorithm that uses the environment to learn and gets positive and negative rewards as per findings. It is the closest machine learning has come to the human brain.  

For example, give the system borrowers data, and it classifies a section as high-risk. If these people default, give positive rewards and offer negative compensations when a selection of these people does not default. In both cases, the system learns from experience.  

A real-world example of reinforcement learning in play is teaching cars to park and drive autonomously. 

The Limitless Potential of AI ML Services 

AI ML services are still in their early stages, with a significant chunk of untapped potential available for discovery. We have been employing artificial intelligence and machine learning services to improve enterprise functions and get robot dogs to walk. But there is much more to achieve, and we will have to wait to see AI in all its glory.